Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry belated Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with their loved ones. Connor and I had such a fun time celebrating THREE Christmases! We spent Christmas Eve upstate with my family. On Christmas morning I got to wake up to Brianna opening gifts, which was so awesome. Her reaction when she came down the stairs and saw all the presents and the half eaten cookies was priceless. I loved every minute of it!

After we were done exchanging gifts, Connor and I had breakfast then headed back down to LI. We stopped at our house and exchanged presents by ourselves. Our first Christmas in our own little home was so cute and romantic! :P One of Connor's favorite gifts from me was a bottle opener made by a blacksmith. It's engraved with our wedding date and his nickname "Doc." It's pretty cool and rustic! I have to say my favorite gift from him was my cozy socks that have big, plushy cute pig faces on them! I can't take them off.

Connor and I headed out to see his family out east after we finished our own little x-mas. Mrs. D made a bunch of delicious food, as always! And we had tons of fun seeing Connor's extended family from Maryland. They have always played a secret gift exchange game, which I absolutely love! Everyone brings one girl and one boy gift and put it on a table. We all end up choosing a gift and are able to steal from a person. It is HYSTERICAL. I always laugh like crazy when I play it. Everyone has such a great sense of humor, so it makes the game that much more fun!

Luckily, holiday break bliss is STILL in affect! Connor has been doing some work, but it's not as much as he normally has to do. We were able to go out yesterday and have dinner (peacefully). It was such a nice treat to have a date night all by ourselves without feeling guilty about Connor having work to do at home! It's crazy to think how much we took that for granted pre-medical school. It makes our dates so much more special now. I'm sure as medical school gets more intense, they will become even more special.

Really looking forward to ringing in the new year! 2013 will be magical. Just a few more months until Connor and I get to celebrate our wedding! :)

<3 Mandy

Monday, December 17, 2012

Nothing like wine and cake to cheer you up...

Hello guys! Hope you all had a happier Monday than I did. Today was extremely tense at school. Luckily the kindergartners were still their innocent and oblivious selves; most of the students I saw today were unaware of the ugliness of Friday's tragedy, thankfully. But most of us teachers were feeling tons of anxiety and administration has now put many new safety regulations into place.
Needless to say, today was more than just your typical bad Monday. I'm glad it is finally winding down.

Tomorrow is my third and FINAL observation of student teaching and I couldn't be happier. I'm so excited for this phase to be over and to begin life as a certified teacher with a Master's Degree. It has been such a long, arduous road that it feels so wonderfully relieving to reach its end. The hard work has paid off. :)

Connor's semester is really slowing down, which is great! He's mainly working on DPC learning issues right now. His patient is complaining about weird leg pain and has recently just gotten over the flu. He also has a messy demeanor, a family history of alcoholism, but says that he does not drink. Who know what will be the resolution! Connor's "patients" remind me of movie plots. Stay tuned to find out the truth! Was that patient truly sober? Or was he a gin guzzling liar? Who knows?!

Anyway! We finally got our engagement pictures back!! They are so beautiful and I couldn't be happier with them. I love how they turned out. Now it's time to make the Save the Date cards! So excited to get working on those and send them out by the beginning of January. I hope everyone loves them. I was able to scan our prints last night at Mrs. D's house where we went for dinner. It was so much fun seeing everyone and eating delicious food. AND she made my favorite orange cake as per my humble request. It's like a sweet pound cake with orange flavor. IT'S SO GOOD. I die for it. It was such a nice treat. I'm going to have some more today, which is bad idea, but I can't resist it!

Hope everyone has a happy and safe week before the holiday!

Mandy <3

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Getting Cozy on Sunday

Hi loved ones! Hope you are all having a cozy, rainy weekend! Yesterday my mom and niece came to visit me and we had so much fun staying in. My mom made us her Spanish rice and beans and I made gingerbread cookies with Bri. We had a lazy night on the couch watching movies. It was so much fun. I was so happy that I got to see them because I was feeling severely homesick! Poor Connor had to study, so he enjoyed as much time as he could with us before plugging in and listening to lectures.

Connor's new scrubs from the renaming ceremony!
Connor FINALLY took his big content exam on Friday. It was three long hours of misery, but thankfully it's over! I wish I could say it's smooth sailing to Christmas break, but I can't sadly! He has two exams tomorrow (Anatomy lab test and Anatomy and OMM lecture test). It's a little confusing, but just understand that lab and lecture are 2 different classes, so they require different exams. So, needless to say, we are still intense studying mode, which means watching TV in an almost muted state and trying to figure out the context by carefully studying gestures and moving mouths, reading a book/magazine, or browsing the internet. Guess which one I picked! ;)

Some of the things I know Connor is learning at the moment include sinusitis, TMJ, ear infections, and the number of bones in the skull. Those are just  A FEW of the things that he has chosen to share with me as I walk past his desk. I found sinusitis interesting because I saw an x-ray of a clogged sinus full of bacteria and it was just awful! No wonder it's so painful!! BLAGH.

My observation this past Thursday went really well! I was so relieved. My supervisor said really wonderful things, which makes me feel confident that student teaching has been a huge learning experience. She said I'm a natural! Who would've thought? Certainly not me! I imagined myself being many different things like a lawyer or a writer. But I'm glad the career found me. I think that's a great way to put it. And look, I'm still writing! ;) Who knows, I may even write a book someday. Never hurts to have big dreams.

I hope all of you enjoy the rest of your weekend before the work week starts up again!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Surviving Hell Week

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been writing much. Student teaching is starting to come to a close and I am feeling VERY overwhelmed with all that I need to finish. This Thursday I have an observation with my supervisor. I'm not nervous about it. I just really hate all the work that's involved in preparation for her visit. I've been working on my lesson for the past 3 days and I'm so sick of looking at it! I've been staring at gingerbread men for way too long. I'm doing a math lesson on number recognition using gingerbread men and buttons, and I'm not too crazy about it. I think the lesson is great, but I'm just not as passionate about this stuff as I was with high school content. I had so much fun making high school lessons. I thought Kindergarten would be a fit for me, but I'm surprised to say that I prefer high school! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I find a job in a high school soon after the hell of student teaching is over.

Connor has been preparing for his huge content exam that is quickly approaching this Friday. It has been a very stressful home sadly! I'm really looking forward to Christmas break when we can unwind and separate ourselves from all the work for a little bit. I had a moment last night where I wanted to hide in my closet because it seemed so much more peaceful in there than anywhere else. NOT EVEN JOKING. And I'm scared of small, confined spaces, but that was actually the better alternative to facing the reality of this hectic week. Connor's stress has manifested in binge eating junk food, particularly ice cream. It's scary! He has these huge bowls of coffee ice cream to give him a "pick me up." I think it's more of a mini therapy session every night, but what do I know!

Some good news about Connor and med school: he got wonderful grades back in OMM. All 100s! He's such a smarty pants. I'm so proud of how well he is doing in his first few months. He always motivates me to be a more hardworking and optimistic person. I love and admire that about him. <3

We are still waiting to get our engagement photos back. I'm dying! If I don't hear from them by this Friday, I am definitely giving them a call. I am so excited to see how they turned out. I will keep you guys filled in.

Wish us luck surviving this crazy week! We're almost there! :)


Monday, November 26, 2012

Life Post-Turkey

Hello Hello! How are you, guys? I really missed blogging. So, since I finally have time to catch my breath, here I am (10 pounds heavier)! I hope some of you had more self control when it came to food then I did during the holiday. I went CRAZY. One would have thought that I had never experienced Thanksgiving before because I just kept stuffing myself. But, I gotta say that it's nice to overindulge on holidays like Thanksgiving. Not only did I get spoiled with delicious food,  but also with wonderful company. I had such a good time visiting family out east. We laughed all night. I couldn't ask for anything more!

On Friday, after all the Thanksgiving fun, Connor and I had our engagement photo shoot! Before the shoot, Connor and I were frantically throwing clothes everywhere trying to decide what we were going to wear as if this would be the last time we were ever getting photographed. Thankfully I put together a solid outfit after 10 minutes. Connor, who never takes more than 5 minutes getting dressed, wasn't sure what look he wanted to go for. And to be fair, I was being pickier than usual! I was just so nervous because every time I see engagement photos on the internet, THEY ARE PERFECT. Are they real?! Are those models!? I don't know, but they look like movie stills! So I felt like there was a high bar to be met there. But then I took a couple of deep breaths and remembered that expressing our love in the picture was the most important aspect of the photos. And we have so much of it that we wouldn't have a problem. Also, professional photo editing is phenomenal.

So we followed our photographer to this beautiful park and took pictures by the water, under trees, on a bridge... it was awesome! It really made me feel special. By special I mean, lucky to have found someone that I could do these ridiculously silly, but romantic things with and have so much fun the entire time. It made me feel like I was in a cutesy romantic comedy and I loved EVERY second of it! I can't wait to see the pictures. We should be getting them by next week! :)

Please excuse the paper plate! :P
Saturday was kind of a wasteful day for me, I have to admit. I was just so exhausted and lazy. I didn't even cook! We bought pizza and watched a movie when Connor was done studying. Connor, unlike me, was extremely hard at work. He studied all day long, so I was very proud of him as I sat on the couch wearing my lazy pants and furry socks.

Yesterday, I decided enough was enough. I need to be productive! For me that translates to cleaning and cooking. So I cleaned the house and finally found the courage to open my defrosted 5lb turkey breast in the fridge. I got the scissors cut the bag and... freaked. Raw meat has never been my strong point. It's frightening to me, but I've come a long way! I mean, a very long way. There was a time where I couldn't see raw red meat without gagging. Literally gagging. The raw turkey had some parts that I was just not very fond of, so thankfully, Connor came to my rescue and cleaned its insides! After that, I was good to go. We rubbed it with some seasoning, popped it in the oven and I began all my side dishes. Everything was delicious! I encountered a bit of a speedbump with my sweet potato casserole, but nothing some steaming couldn't handle! I was so proud of myself (and Connor for being the turkey sitter). I felt like a real woman... very similar to the first time I used my big girl vacuum.

Going back to work today wasn't the easiest, but thankfully the day went by very quickly! Let's hope the next four weeks do the same. I'm ready for Christmas time!

<3 Mandy

Monday, November 19, 2012

Almost Turkey Day!

Hi guys! Hope you all had a smooth Monday. Knowing Thanksgiving is just around the corner is really helping me get through these few days! I just cannot wait for all the good food and relaxtion time that is coming our way. Connor survived his manic Monday full of exams! He had an OMM written exam at 8:30 this morning, an OMM practical at 11:00 and an Anatomy practical at 2:30. AHH I don't know how he does it, but he gets it all done with a great attitude! He was a little loopy this morning. The nerves were really getting to him. When that happens, he gets VERY silly and energetic (if you know Connor, I mean more than usual), so it's interesting to say the least! ;P He said it was very difficult... as always. But when he got home, I had dinner ready and that cheered him up! I made balsamic chicken with pecan rice and broccoli. It was really yummy!

Connor signed up for the Tough Mudder in April. Can't say that I'm over the moon about it, but I'm happy that he's doing something for himself that he will enjoy. He works so hard, so I'm supportive of anything that allows him to get his mind off of school for a little. It's a very intense (and dangerous) race which includes a 10-12 mile run, jumping into freezing water, and getting shocked by 10,000 volts... So, if you're not as crazy as my fiance and his NYCOM buddies that are all taking part in this race, then you know why I'm not crazy about it! But like I said, whatever makes him happy! (Am I trying to convince you or myself? haha) Thankfully, Connor is physically capable. That gives me faith that he'll return to me in one piece! D:

He's also hoping that you can make a donation to his Tough Mudder page. All donations go to the Wounded Warrior project. If Connor raises $150 on his behalf, then he receives a discount on his registration fee. If you are at all interested in helping (which both Connor and I would be very grateful for), here is the link: Tough Mudder Donations

Yesterday, we went to Mrs. D's annual Soup Social and it was incredible! There were so many delicious soups like French Onion, Baked Potato, Roasted Tomato (with tiny grilled cheese sandwiches), and Italian Wedding. They were all so good, along with all of the incredible desserts! Words do not do this party justice, really! It always leaves me astonished and looking forward to next year's soups.

Oh, and this Friday, Connor and I have an engagement photo shoot with the photographer we booked for our wedding! I'm so excited. Hopefully I don't get a horrible pimple or anything! I've been planning my outfit since Saturday! I just can't wait to take incredibly romantic (and I'll admit slightly cheesy) pictures with my handsome boy. Can't wait to show you guys how they turn out.

Love, Mandy & Connor <3

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Can anybody spare a quarter?

Hello loved ones! Just want to update you on some great news. Connor got his score back on his Anatomy test and he got a 100! I'm so proud of him. I think it was great motivation for him to keep chugging through this tough month. School has been very intense for him the last two weeks. I don't think Sandy helped, either. He's been having very long days and tons of work to do, so he's starting to feel overtired. It'll be nice for him to relax on Thanksgiving.

Isn't he such a qt?! 
He has two practicals on Monday: one for OMM and another for Anatomy. So the studying madness hasn't slowed down at all! I think the intensity of the year definitely picked up and it happened so abruptly! Hopefully Connor's morale stays up. I've been making him good food and rubbing his head when he gets tired and I think that's been helping. :)

Oh and just to update you on the migration. If you haven't noticed the picture to your right, Connor has migrated BACK to the couch. I like it though because he's closer to me now! I get to check out some of the crazy things he's learning. He truly amazes me for knowing all of this stuff because it is ridiculously confusing. I'm not sure how his brain works, but good for him! He's my science rockstar :) Right now he's studying NSAIDS... again!

Today I went to the laundromat and had such a mess of a time there. It was just awful. I didn't have enough quarters (and no cash to put into the machine), so I walked over to CVS to get cash back for buying overpriced make-up remover cloths and toothpaste, and I realized my debit card wasn't in my wallet. So then I had a panic attack and had to drive all the way home (in said panic state) to find the card. After searching through what felt like a thousand leather Coach purses, I finally found it! So I run back to the car, drive to the stop sign at the end of my street, and realize YET AGAIN the card is no longer in my sweaty palm. So I turn around, drive back to the house, search the sidewalk and BINGO it's on the ground...mocking me. To make a long story short: it was a laundry fiasco.

All of this hysteria over THREE QUARTERS. I wanted to scour the street for quarters because I just couldn't believe the chaos that a lack of three quarters could bring into your life. I feel as though they must be everywhere, just lying around like little treasures. I even thought to myself in my state of desperation that maybe I can just stand in front of CVS begging for spare quarters. But that doesn't work because people truly prize quarters. They are of actual value and not given away like trashy pennies. Who ever is in desperate need of a nickle or a dime? Those are such rare occasions at the register when you're buying a single item like mouthwash. I just want my own washer and dryer in my own cozy home that are always accessible and don't obnoxiously eat all of my lunch money in quarters. I can't wait for that day. And on that day, I will bow down to those machines and praise them for the convenience they will bring to my life.

Moving on! The laundry is done and I don't have to worry for another seven days. Phew! Mom's coming to visit this weekend and she's joining Connor and me to Mrs. D's annual soup social! She's very excited to see what it's all about. I know she'll be amazed by how wonderful everything looks (and tastes)!

On Saturday, I have an appointment with a possible photographer. Hopefully this one goes well!
Have a great Thursday, everyone. One day closer to Friday! YAAY.

<3 Mandy

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wedding Dreams and Messy Tables

Happy Sunday, friends! How's it going? I hope you're having a relaxing day and enjoying this great (but eerie) weather. I find it a little scary how drastically our weather is changing. THESE ARE THE END TIMES! Kidding. I'm definitely not going to be another person who obssesses over that end of the world nonsense. But really... we have to do something to address these wacky weather patterns. If it's going to snow, stay cold! Give me more snow, more days off, and more baking time! I'll take more blankets too. I love a good blanket to stick my cold tootsies in.

On Friday I had a blast with my friend Kim who came over to visit. We had great conversation, drank some Velvet Devil wine (it's delicious and you should try it), and danced around my spacious living room like crazy broads. It was so much fun. Love a good girl's night! Connor's friend Matt stopped by too, which was great. He makes us laugh. I was so happy to have company over so they could eat the leftover brownies I had! Otherwise, I'd eat them all. :X

Yesterday I visited 2 florists, which was kind of a hassle,  unfortunately! Call me naive but I wasn't expecting it to be so much work! I thought I'd walk in, show some pictures, and they would make my wedding dreams come true. Now that I'm back to reality, I know that there's much more to consider! I realized 1. I have expensive taste in flowers (WHY are the prettiest things in the world always so expensive?!) 2. Bonding with your florist is super important and 3. Putting a wedding together requires a vision, and shockingly some people just don't get that!

After learning all of these things, I realized it's a blessing to find someone who understands what you want. When I found it, I felt so relieved and decided to go with the florist that I trust to make my wedding as beautiful as I imagine it to be. It might be one day, but it's one day that you'll remember forever. Growing up I never dreamed of a wedding. I never imagined the dress, or the flowers, or even the guy. I even thought maybe I would never get married, live in a swanky one bedroom apartment, and fill my oven with expensive shoes. But Connor changed all of that for me. Without even trying, he made me believe in the whole fairytale of love. I can't imagine living without him and all the joy he brings into my life. And now I can't wait to celebrate us finding each other with the most beautiful, romantic and special wedding possible! So what I'm saying is... I really need those pink peonies... ;P

Anyway! Enough with all the mushy stuff. Connor has been studying like crazy for the past two days in preparation for his Musculoskeletal exam tomorrow. He's been taking over sitting at the kitchen table with his laptop and all of his textbooks since Friday. Last week it was the couch and the coffee table. I don't blame him for moving. He's studying constantly so a change of scenery is much needed for his sanity. But I gotta say, I can't wait for the next big migration (hopefully back to the desk this time) and end all of this studying madness for at least 2 days! :)

Tonight I might be baking again. Not sure what just yet, but I will definitely fill you in when it's all done!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday,
Mandy <3

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And I'm Back!

So I took a little hiatus from blogging because of our very busy weekend away. But I hope you guys have been anxiously waiting for the next post! :D *Fingers crossed* We departed for Ohio onThursday evening because school had been cancelled for the rest of the week, so we figured we could get a head start on the long drive. School closing for the whole week was such a blessing! I felt like a little kid all over again, jumping on my bed wearing over-sized pajamas and thanking the man upstairs for working some magic and keeping me home.

To fill you all in: the road trip was a blast! We had so many laughs along the way (trust me there were a lot... 11 hours worth of laughter BOTH ways, so you can imagine). And the wedding was beautiful! I'm so lucky that my first wedding was a great one. It was magical, emotional, beautiful... all those happy, giddy things that you associate with love and weddings. I had to seriously fight back some tears. I spent 30 minutes doing my makeup, so ruining it was just NOT an option. I'm scared for my own wedding and what it will do to my fancy makeup. I just have a very strong feeling I'll be crying almost the entire time, weeping like a crazy lady.

I get overcome with emotion easily. I'm not even exaggerating. When Connor proposed to me, I couldn't even speak. I covered my face with my hands and was sobbing so hard that it was silent. You know what I mean, right? Like when you were a kid, and something so unimaginable just happened to you and you cried so hard that not a single peep could escape out of your mouth because it was clogged with air and overwhelming emotion. That cry was always legitimate, never brought on just for dramatics. But let me clarify. This was not because of something horrible. I was truly in disbelief that it was really happening, and that I was actually being proposed to by the love of my life. This was it, the moment I had imagined for so long. I couldn't even say "Yes!" until he asked me a second time to marry him and then I realized I actually needed to give a response. It's not like this was a movie that was going to keep rolling without the next line. Everything felt so cinematic. It was raining, people were watching, Connor was on his knee wearing a cute tie... Well, anyway! I just gotta make sure to get extra waterproof mascara for the big day.

After all the wedding excitement, I got home and realized I need to get cracking on my own wedding that is in less than a year. Unfortunately, I don't have Jennifer Lopez around to plan my wedding (fortunately though on the flip side because in that movie she also steals your fiance for her compensation as your wedding planner). I'm going to have to do this myself! So this Thursday I have a potential photographer stopping by to show me some pictures and give me prices. Hopefully he's not too expensive and I won't have to awkwardly sit around thinking of ways to end our meeting and masterfully move him out the door. Next on the to do list: Make consultations with 2 florists, and set up my bridesmaids dress appointment!

Today was my first day with the little kids. They were very cute, but the entire day consisted of make-up SLO tests. It was the most absurd thing I've ever seen testing Kindergartners. But you can't fight city hall, right? Poor babies. I can't wait for it to be over and actually have some fun teaching time with them.

Connor had DPC for the second time this week. He is the "doctor" in this scenario of a three year old named Emily. (Could it be any more fitting for him? I mean, really. It's like a sign from up above.) So his professor pretended to be the three-year-old, crying and complaining of pain all over. Connor did a great job and asked her if she wanted a sticker or a lollipop. He got some credit for that because this was their first time doing pediatric stuff. Cute. Supposedly, the little patient has swelling in her hands and feet and has a family history of blood disorders. What's your guess? I'm guessing some kind of clotting issue. But I don't know! I teach ESL. I would ask Connor what he thinks right now, but he has his serious studying face on. When that face is on, I'm quiet as a mouse. It's serious business saving lives, so I'm not getting in the way!

It's snowing, I ate some Italian wedding soup, baked some yummy brownies. I really can't complain about today. Tomorrow would be even better if it were a snow day, but I know that's not happening! Especially after all those days off because of the hurricane. *sigh* On Monday, I made the most delicious pesto pasta with spinach, broccoli, and chicken. It was too good. I carbo-loaded like a marathon runner (sans the marathon).

Hope you all enjoy the rest of this snowy evening!
<3 Mandy

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Holy Sandy!

Hi guys!! I hope the hurricane hasn't treated you too badly! Luckily, my area did not lose power ever! (Thank you, LIPA Gods!) We were (and still are) so thankful. I know so many people who are still waiting for their lights to come back on, and I can only imagine how difficult these past few days have been. I'm so excited for life to go back to normal (except for returning to work).

Today I was so happy that the nail salon that is 1 minute away from my house was open!! I really needed to get out of the house. I was starting to feel a little stir crazy being cooped up in here all day. Not to mention, I've been eating like a bear preparing for hibernation, so I needed to escape the kitchen for a little. After I got my nails done, I tried to go to CVS and buy some things for our upcoming trip to Ohio this weekend, but the store didn't have power and was only accepting cash. It was the most absurd thing ever seeing an open CVS in total darkness. How weird! It's very cloudy so there wasn't even natural light to brighten up the place. Ridiculous. Those poor employees.

Anyway! On Monday, I baked a pecan pie while we were waiting for Sandy. I put some dark chocolate chips in it and it was PHENOMENAL. By the time Sandy was in full force, we were eating warm pie and enjoying a glass of red wine. I'm so grateful that we were able to get through the storm so comfortably!

Yesterday, I made french toast for breakfast. I hadn't made it in awhile, so I figured it'd be a nice treat. We've been eating soooo healthy these past 2 days, so I figured why not? ;) It was delicious. Then I baked some breaded eggplant and made some paninis for dinner. We really needed an easy meal due to our lack of food supplies here!

So after all this eating and sitting on the couch, I need some movement! I can't wait for the wedding this weekend so I can dance my tail off! WOOO. This will be my FIRST wedding ever and I couldn't be more excited. Celebrating love is a blast and I'm interested in seeing how all this wedding stuff comes together so I know what to expect for my own wedding this upcoming June.

I'm guessing tomorrow will finally be my first day at my new placement. I'm a little bummed that I didn't get to see a bunch of munchkins dressed up in costumes today, but hopefully I'll see some today when they knock on my door! :D

Connor has a friend from school over now and they're watching a movie together instead of doing work! :P Funny. It's cute that he has company. I love it. I gave them chips, pretzels, and candy, so I think they're good!

Hope everyone gets through the day and has some kind of return to normalcy soon! Crossing my fingers that those without electricity will get it back shortly!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sleepy Saturday Night

Hi guys :) It's 9:20pm and I'm sitting on the couch with a glass of red wine listening to Matt Pond PA. In other words, I am VERY relaxed! It's so nice nice to enjoy a quiet night. Connor has his headphones in listening to lectures in his corner of the living room. It's so funny how we have fallen into our own little groove. It's like we're together, but in our own little worlds. I've been lucky to have him around so much even though he's busy with work most of the time. I'm just happy to see his handsome face here at home!

My mom and my niece, Brianna, came over yesterday and spent the night here. We had so much fun! I was elated to have my girlies over. Bri was so funny. I told her we were having a slumber party, so she put her pajamas on, got all her toys and stuffed animals, sat next to me on the couch and said "Connor, come here! We're having a slumber party!" She's too cute!!

We went to the mall and my mom bought me my DREAM Badgley Mischka wedding shoes! She's the best mom in the whole world. I'm so grateful to have a mom who is so giving and is working so hard to make all of my wedding dreams come true. I just cannot wait to wear them. AHH it's just so incredible. I'm going to marry the man of my dreams in the heels of my dreams haha :P ..I'm such a girl!

So after the mall, we went out to eat then Connor and I took my mom on her first ever Trader Joe's trip. She loved it. She couldn't believe how affordable everything was. It was so cute. She was amazed with everything. I just love the simplicity of having a great time while doing such average things. 

This morning I made Brianna mini pumpkin pancakes with strawberries on top, and she ate them all up! I was so proud of her for trying something new. I kept it a secret until she tried it and loved them. She's so picky sometimes, so I knew I had to sneak them into her tummy. I thought she would notice the orangey color, but she didn't! It was great. I was so sad to see my best girl friends go, but I know I will see them again very soon.

After mom and Bri left, I went bridesmaid dress browsing with one my BMs, Mallory. It was definitely a learning experience! There are so many dresses, it's ridiculous! It was a bit overwhelming, but it was great to learn how to go about this whole dress thing.

So I have a funny little story about dinner today. We bought a rotisserie chicken today to kind of "cheat." We were making soup again, so we decided it would be the easiest thing to just buy one of those ready-made chickens to shred and add to the soup. To help Connor get started on the chicken, I cut off the leg and immediately he noticed the bone and said "Oh my god, that's the olecranon process!" (which is like our curved bone at the elbow). He was actually studying our bird's bones! It was like he was in anatomy lab and he was dissecting! And the more he cut the chicken, the more he was examining it. I was laughing hysterically and realized that this is it. He's forever going to see everything differently! I love it. At least he's learning, right? 

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!
<3 Mandy

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Goodbye High School!

Hi, guys! Hope you all had a great Hump Day! Today was wonderful in comparison to yesterday. My supervisor came to visit yesterday and it was so stressful making sure everything was ready for my observation. My lesson went well and my kids were ANGELS, thankfully. Of course I bribed them the day before and told them if they behaved reeeaally well, I'd bring them goodies on my last day. So naturally, they were angelic children. I was very relieved to get really great comments back. She told me that I had a great a great rapport and sense of humor with the students (obviously! They're like my children!). She also said that I am very advanced for just starting and that I have a  wonderful presence in the classroom...I supposedly "command attention." :O I couldn't be happier to hear all these things. I wish I was told that I was PERFECT, but I know that's impossible. However, I did get some really great advice! So it was productive. All I can say is, I'm GLAD it's over.

Tomorrow I'm throwing my kids a little "party" as a parting gift. I'm bringing cupcakes, chips, and juice. I'm going to miss my ESL III kids so much. It's incredible how attached you get to your students. It's so true that being a teacher takes way more than just teaching. It's like being a parent, a listening ear, a friend to laugh with. AHH what am I going to do? This is when panic mode sets in and I change the subject! :)

Connor has an exam and practical coming up next week. You know what that means! Studying misery is coming up. Thankfully my mom and niece are coming to visit this weekend, so Connor can have the house to himself while we're out.

So close to the weekend! Let's hope for a  Thursday that flies by!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday.. No Fun Day

Hello Hello, everyone! How was your Monday? I hope it was better than you expected. I know how tough Mondays can be. I didn't even hear my alarm go off this morning. Poor Connor had to reach over me to turn it off. I was in a very deep dream that I sadly couldn't even remember because I woke up freaked out of my mind thinking I was late. Last night I went to bed way past 11, which was the worst idea I think I've ever had. Connor and I decided to start watching Pulp Fiction at 8:45pm. So, really, that was the original worst idea ever.

Yesterday I made Connor a peanut butter pie because he was reaaaally craving it. Like I mean craving, like a preggy woman. He usually doesn't put much pressure on me to bake. Typically I hear, "Babe, please don't burn yourself out. You really don't have to make that. Don't go crazy." Of course, I'm like oh, hush this is therapeutic! (Until the mess starts accumulating, and then I'm in baking clean-up hell.) However, yesterday was different. Before he left to a study session, I heard him say on the way out "Oh, you know what you can do... make that peanut butter pie." Oh really, Connor? I realized we didn't have the cream cheese needed for the recipe, so I text him saying, "Sorry, no cream cheese here :(". I get a text back: "I'll get it in on the way home!" I knew right then, he needed that pie. And that's my biggest weakness: feeding hungry, craving bellies. If I know someone is hungry and actually craving my food/baked goods, I'm a total sucker. You could pretty much get me to make anything with the right look. Except...veal. I won't touch a baby cow.
don't mind the ugly paper plate :x

Well anyway, the pie turned out great! I put it in a chocolate crust and sprinkled some chocolate chips on top. It took only 2.5 hours to harden in the fridge. Connor loved it. I tried it and it was incredibly decadent. Like decadent in a scary way... like it's in no way your friend. THAT kind of good.

Today, Connor had Anatomy lab and dissected the forearm. He said there are about eight muscles involved when flexing your wrist downward. Pretty cool to think about when you actually do it because it seems pretty effortless! He also had DPC today and he said his group members really appreciated his drawing skills. Not surprised! I've always thought he was a talented artist. Back in our RA days, he had pretty awesome bulletin boards - _- LOL I hope he's reading this and laughing. Oh to be in college again...

My supervisor is coming to observe me tomorrow. That pretty much makes me want to vomit and cry, but then I remember that I can do it! :) I'm teaching how to write direct and indirect quotations in a paragraph. Wish me luck!!

Have a good night!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Muffins and... Plasma!

Hellllooooo!! Happy, Happy Saturday! It's such a cool, Autumn night. I'm baking banana crumb muffins for tomorrow morning and the house smells so yummy. Today, Connor and I made pumpkin waffles and they were so yummy!!! I topped them with powdered sugar and pecans, and made some turkey bacon. The salty and sweet combination was to die for! It was a breakfast from heaven.

Today was a bit of a chore day, so that wasn't too fun! I had to clean the house and work on my lessons. I did manage to squeeze in some "me" time and got a mani and pedi! I was so excited because I haven't done my nails in over a month and half! So I was long overdue. It was so relaxing, too. Because I had a ton of work to do, I made an easy dinner: Burgers! They were very yummy. :P

I was going to bake a pecan pie tomorrow, but my mom is forbidding me to make it until she comes to visit next weekend. So I guess I'll just have to hold out until then! D:

Connor has been studying DPC stuff for the past couple of hours. He said it's about how blood clots and he showed me this really pretty drawing that he made in his notebook to help him understand it. It's very nice and colorful!

For the rest of the night, I think I'm going to watch a movie and enjoy a nice glass of wine! Hope everyone enjoys the rest of this chilly, Saturday night.

Thanks for reading about our silly, little life! So much love,

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lesson Planning and Chocolate Pretzels

Happy Hump Day, ladies and gents! Thankfully tomorrow's Thursday, which means we're that much closer to the weekend and freeeeeedom. I can't believe next week is my last week at my first placement. I'm going to miss the high school so much. I am shocked that I am saying this. I came into the placement apprehensive and certain that I was not meant to be a high school teacher. But I have been happily proven wrong. I absolutely love the students and the challenges that come with teaching tough content to English language learners. It has been such a wonderful learning experience and I wish it could continue indefinitely.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. But I'm totally optimistic that my second placement will live up to my awesome first. I'll start with my Kindergartners just in time for Halloween! I can't wait to see little munchkins dressed up in oversized costumes. Too cute.

When I got home from school yesterday, Connor already had dinner in the oven! It was such a nice treat. He made meatloaf, roasted potatoes and broccoli. It was delicious. After dinner, we went to the movies for cheap-o night again and saw Taken 2! It was sooo good. Such a great movie. I definitely recommend seeing it if you enjoyed the first Taken.

Today, Connor and I took a quick drive to Trader Joe's because I'm obsessed with their Maple Pecan Crunch cereal and I was all out! I had a breakfast crisis this morning when I had ten minutes before I had to leave and there was no tasty cereal in the cabinet. So while we were there (between staring at and salivating over everything else in the store) I grabbed two boxes and a bag of dark chocolate covered pretzel slims and they are... scarily delicious. Like eating a whole bag could happen if you are not careful.  :O

Connor got his score back from his Anatomy exam and he did really well. The average was a 73 and he scored above average! That exam was really tough and used words that are barely pronounceable, so I'm so proud of him for scoring as well as he did. Connor had anatomy lab this morning and dissected the shoulder, upper arm, and brachial plexus. He noticed that the cadaver had shiny, smooth bone in his shoulder, which is abnormal because bone is normally rough. Connor correctly guessed that this was a condition called Eburnation. This is impressive because this wasn't taught in lectures or anything. It was something that he read on his own, so I'm very proud of my smarty pants fiance. :) His hard work is certainly paying off!

Have a great night, lovelies!

Monday, October 15, 2012

"Some days aren't yours at all...

....They come and go as if they're someone else's days." Regina Spektor really got it right with that song. It has been a yucky Monday! I hope some of you experienced a happier one. I woke up really tired this morning after going to bed way too late. I just felt so crummy all day. It was so hard to find the energy to be my usual peppy self! Thankfully my lesson today involved the students working at stations and writing, so I didn't have to talk too much. A plus to this day has been the rain tonight. It's making me feel super cozy as I curl up on my couch with my fuzzy blanket. Next comes the hot cocoa! Gotta try to take back this Monday as much as I can.

Yesterday I had such a wonderful day out east visiting the outlets and Connor's parents. We, of course, had to take a look inside Pottery Barn, so I wanted to smile and cry all at once. For those of you who share my love of beautiful, but terribly expensive things... you know exactly what I mean. Going into stores is a total manic depressive episode. You're surrounded by everything you could ever dream of, so you float from one thing to the next grinning from ear to ear, but then your brain suddenly gets a surge of oxygen and it starts working again and you realize... these things don't just appear in your home. They might actually cost...what's that green paper stuff? Oh right... money. I almost forgot that existed. *sigh* But that's okay! I bought 4 salad plates for the cost of $5.99 each, and 4 dinner plates for $6.99 each.So it was an incredible bargain that I could not pass up. Plus, I actually NEEDED these. Not in the estrogen-induced way that we normally claim like "This is too adorable. I just neeeeeed it." Like, in the justified, no need for guilt way. The enamel was starting to wear away on my cheap-o Ikea plates. So....yeah. I said no guilt right?

Anyway! After the outlets, we visited Mr. & Mrs. D and it was so much fun. I brought them an apple crostata. That's my thing now because of all the apples we got from apple picking. (I can actually bake other things. I swear.) We went out to dinner and had delicious food and great conversation. It was so nice to see them and catch up because we hadn't seen them since September for Connor's convocation. That was way too long! I'm so excited for Mama D's soup party coming up! If you don't know what a soup party is, you're missing out big time! You eat tons of delicious homemade soup and bread and meet new people. I love it!

So remember the DPR exam where Connor had to take a patient's vital signs? Well, he FINALLY got his grade back and he did really well!! in, he got a 100!!!! I knew he would do great. Way to go, babe. Couldn't be prouder :)

Let's cross our fingers for a smooooth Tuesday.

<3 Mandy

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Perfect day for soup

Hello friends! Hope you are all enjoying this gorgeous Saturday. The weather could not have been more perfect today. The sun was out and it was perfectly chilly. I put on my first flannel of the season and felt super cozy!

Last night Connor and I went to our friends Jaime and Mark's house for a game night. We had so much fun. Jaime made a bunch of snacks and we drank and played some Cranium. We met some cool people and laughed a bunch. It was a great Friday night.

This morning we got up and Connor got us egg sandwiches from the bagel place down the street. It was so yummy and the perfect breakfast after a night of a little too much wine. For lunch I made a delicious chicken and rice soup with sweet potatoes, russet potatoes, carrots and peas. It was so tasty. We had it with a big loaf of whole wheat bread. It was the perfect meal on a chilly Fall day. I had so much fun making it. Can't wait to make more soups during the cold months.

After devouring the soup and a ton of bread, we took a trip around town to visit a bunch of garage sales. There were so many, it was incredible! We bought this really cool, brand new, four bowl condiment set from Crate & Barrel for only $5. It came with four little dishes, too. I love it and can't wait to break it out when we have company over or for fajita night! It can hold a bunch of little toppings.

Connor has been doing DPC work for the last few hours. For those of you reading who don't know what DPC is, here is a brief summary: DPC stands for Doctor Patient Continuum. It's a problem based learning curriculum that a group of medical students apply for upon acceptance into the school. Connor applied to this program because he's much more of an active learner as opposed to a passive one. He enjoys critical thinking, teamwork, and analyzing real life problems, rather than just sitting in on lectures. So he applied and was accepted. He absolutely loves it. His group meets a few times a week and is given a problem to solve. A professor facilitates from afar (Connor says the facilitator participates very minimally and just makes sure the conversation continues to move in the right direction). This week his group is learning about the pharmacology of NSAIDs, which is great because Connor spent a year working in a pharmacy and picked up a large amount of information during that time. He always knows the answers to the professors pharm. questions. So cute.

Tomorrow we are visiting Connor's parents out east and I'm so excited! We're going to stop by the outlets and painfully windowshop at Pottery Barn. Can't wait to have a fun Sunday before getting back to the work week. Two whole weeks are left in my placement before starting with the kindergartners! I can't believe how quickly time has passed.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Made it over the hump!

It's Wednesday and Connor is done with exams for the week! We made it!  WOOO. It was so wonderful to come home and find a much more vibrant Connor in the kitchen washing sweet potatoes. What a cutie. He was so sweet and bought us four crab cakes for dinner. So we made some sweet potatoes and mixed vegetables. After days of hardcore studying, we were really able to appreciate a night without textbooks, medical terms, and lecture videos. It was such a treat to just relax and make dinner while indulging in wine and beer. We ate dinner on the couch and watched a movie. Overall, it was a lovely night!

Connor said his anatomy test went well, as well as his third computerized exam. They were both difficult, but that's a given! I'm just proud of him for surviving two exams back to back. Hopefully, all the hard work paid off! Can't wait to see how he did. Tomorrow he has a full day of lecture until 4pm, so thankfully he was able to rest a little today!

I'm doing a lesson on prepositions tomorrow. I hope that goes over well with my students! I know they will probably hate me for torturing them with this stuff! But I'm convinced all of this writing is really helping them. They are really becoming more comfortable writing and that justifies the torture! :P

Let's get through Thursday, so we can say helloooo to Friday.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Stay Home from Work Day!

...or Happy Columbus Day. I prefer the former. I hope everyone had a relaxing and fun-filled holiday. My day was busier than I would have liked, but it was still great! My trip upstate this weekend was fantastic, and it was everything I hoped it would be. Connor and I got there on Friday evening and brought home a gift for Brianna. We bought her a transparent board that allows her to slip coloring and activity pages inside of it. It's great because she uses dry erase markers on the board, so the pages are reusable! We played all night until it was bedtime for the little munchkin.

On Saturday, Connor and I started our day early by taking Brianna apple and pumpkin picking. It was SO much fun! We bought Bri an apple cider donut and took a tractor ride to the orchard. She loved every minute of it. She picked so many good apples and actually taught Connor and I how to properly pick apples. She told us to remember to "twist and pull!" Adorable.

When we were done apple picking, we went to a pumpkin patch down the street. We took another tractor ride and picked some beautiful pumpkins. Before we left, we stopped by the petting zoo and Bri fed some goats, met a pony named Huey, and looked at some chickens. She had a blast. She especially loved the pony, which I thought was so cute. When we were feeding the goats, she got a little scared because of the eight long tongues frantically searching for pellets.

Sunday was a much more relaxing day. We stayed in for most of the day, and I baked an apple crostata. It was absolutely delicious. Nothin' like baking with fresh apples!

Today, I woke up and baked a banana nut bread loaf with some leftover overripe bananas. It made the house smell magical. I wish I could have bottled the smell. It was incredible. It was also really nice to turn on the oven on such a chilly morning! After breakfast, Connor and I took a quick trip to the grocery store, and a nursery to pick up some mums for the front of the house. I'm so excited for them to blossom! For dinner, I made penne a la vodka with chicken. It was sooo yummy. I wish I could say I made my own sauce, but I did not. That is something that needs to happen very soon.

Connor has been studying a lot lately because of his two upcoming exams. He has an anatomy test tomorrow and his 3rd computerized exam on Wednesday. What does this all mean, you ask? This means a really wacky Connor who at time loses touch with reality. It's kind of funny. He's really looking forward for the exams to be over. I am too! Unfortunately, he starts Musculoskeletal on Thursday, so he won't really get a break. But that's med school! It certainly pushes the limits of your sanity. Here's to 4 years of the madness!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

The longest week... ever.

This week has felt like an eternity to me! I have no clue why, but I felt like every day should have been one day ahead. On Wednesday I was planning my next day as if it was going to be Friday. But alas, today is THURSDAY. Thank goodness, Friday is finally making its much anticipated arrival (way behind schedule in my book).

So I have great news about Connor's second computerized exam. He got an 87!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! The average was an 81, so he scored a little above average, and I couldn't be more proud of my lovely fiance. I knew his hard work would pay off. I know he has a really long road ahead of him, but every accomplishment counts. They are all steps toward his big goal and I know he can do it! In case you didn't realize, I was a cheerleader for over 10 years of my life, so I'm used to this hardcore motivational stuff. Give me a C! C.... Give me an O! Okay... I'll stop.

Today I was able to leave two periods early because my cooperating teacher had to take one of her little boys to see the doc. Which meant I got home in time to catch Connor before he left for class and had lunch with him. It was such a nice treat. For dinner, I made balsamic chicken with cherry tomatoes and sauteed onions. It was very good. I tried to make a balsamic glaze (which is just a balsamic vinegar reduction), but it was taking too long and we were hungry! So we didn't really get the reduction part! :P Next time I try it, I'm going to start heating it much earlier.

I can't wait to head upstate tomorrow to see my family and have some cuddle time with my niece. I miss her so much, I can barely take it. I wish my family lived a little closer. It would make everything perfect. Maybe someday it'll happen! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Tomorrow's going to be a fun day of road trippin' with my love, and I love every minute of it.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!

Monday, October 1, 2012

It looked like a... sponge?

Hi guys! I know I probably shouldn't be blogging at this hour and instead should be curling up in bed preparing myself for sleep. I'm not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination, but no matter how hard I try, I just can't get to sleep before 10:30pm. I HATE it! I always regret it at 6am when I am reluctantly (and violently) vacillating between reality and dream world.

Anyway! I decided I had to blog to tell you all about Connor's grotesque interesting anatomy lab today. So today he was not physically dissecting because it wasn't his groups' turn. But, he was there to watch. And according to him, he was coaching the group and telling them "just cut it!"

Now, there is a very, very good reason why this group was so hesitant to push that blade down and I'm hoping you'll be prepared to handle this disclosure. Some of you who have strong stomachs are thinking "just say it already!" And are scoffing at my physical weakness. Your kind can relate more to Connor. However, I am not as strong. When Connor told me that the group would be cutting OFF a section of the penis, then cutting open the remaining portion, well, my body almost ejected the delicious brownie I had just consumed minutes before. But that's not all. The group would also be making an incision that would span from the penis to the anus--ultimately creating one, large orifice.  If you can stomach that then perhaps you should rethink your current career and consider the maniacal medical field.

Despite my inability to wrap my head around a group of people willingly shoving their heads into one big, vacuous hole on a cadaver, I am still intrigued when Connor describes his findings. He let me know that the inside of a penis has spongey material, which literally looks like a sponge. Isn't that marvelous? Maybe, maybe not. Regardless, I though that was valuable information that I should impart with you.

On to less vomit inducing news! (Hopefully I didn't gross you out enough that you won't find my food appetizing.) I made baked eggplant paninis today with roasted red peppers, spinach and mozzarella. They were fantastic. After school, I picked up some bread from the best grocery store in my town and when I got home, I decided... I'm sick of pasta. Let's try something different today. It was great too because I barely had any dishes! No pan, just a baking sheet :D I had Connor take a picture when we were halfway through devouring them.

Tomorrow is Connor's practical that I mentioned before. He's studying now like a cutie. I ironed his shirt and tie so he can look sharp and professional when he takes those vital signs like a champ! WOOP WOOP. I can't wait to hear how awesome he did when I get home. 

Sweet dreams!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Time is all around...

Oh NOOO! It's Sunday! :( Where did the weekend go? Sadly we can't look forward to a day off during the week. But at least Columbus Day weekend is coming up! I have big plans to visit the family upstate and take my little munchkin, Brianna apple picking! I'm so excited for chilly Fall weather and leaves crunching beneath our feet. I miss my family so much; and I even miss my old, small town. Hopefully this week will go by quickly!

Yesterday Connor and I spent most of the day inside. We got up, ate breakfast and took a trip to the laundromat. BLEGH. It was yucky and boring as usual, but I read my Food Network magazine while we waited, so it wasn't too bad. I got some great new recipes to try, and I even got some Halloween cupcake ideas! Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I'm thinking of having a small Halloween party at our new home. I'm thinking creepy desserts and a smokey punchbowl! We'll see what happens.

After laundry, I hung out on the couch and watched Harry Potter. My friend Kim stopped by for a little and we had some fun girl talk. Connor listened to a couple of lectures and studied. Overall, it was a very relaxing day. Oh, and I finally got a chance to bake my brownies! They were so yummy. I unfortunately forgot to take a picture before I dug my face into them. I'm so bummed!

Connor has a DPR practical exam on Tuesday that he's a little nervous about. He'll have to meet a standardized patient and take his/her blood pressure, pulse, and breathing rate. Then he gets assessed on how well he did. I think he'll do wonderfully because Connor is so personable. Everyone loves him!

Next week he has computerized exam #3, which means.... DUN DUN DUN studying hell is approaching. But I will try my best to keep Connor together with lots of food and hugs.

Hope you guys have an easy, peasy Monday. Let's try to make it through in one piece!

Mandy <3

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy Yom Kippur!

Having Wednesday off should be a normal occurrence in my book of life. Everyone needs time to catch up on things during the week and Wednesday is the perfect time to do it! I went to the grocery store today and got a couple of things. I bought the peppers for dinner and some rice. I was so excited to give my first attempt at stuffed peppers a go. They turned out delicious! I made them with a vegetable rice and ground turkey. Connor loved them. I also made some baked sweet potatoes chips. They were my favorite. I packed some for lunch tomorrow and can't wait to eat them again! (I sound like a glutton... I know.)

This morning I made banana walnut whole wheat pancakes and turkey bacon. It was such a nice way to start my day off. Connor kept saying that it felt like Saturday and it really did feel like the weekend. Connor didn't have Anatomy lab until 3pm today, so it was really nice to have a relaxing morning together. Usually, our weekday mornings consist of me running around getting ready, packing my lunch and barely noticing what pants I'm wearing while Connor makes the coffee and gets to studying. Needless to say, this morning was a great departure from the norm.

So on Tuesday Connor took his second big exam and an Anatomy quiz. He said they were difficult as expected, but he thinks he passed. I always think he does great because he's brilliant and works his tushy off. I took a picture of what he looked like studying as evidence of his misery hard work.

Tuesday night we went to the movies for cheapo night and it was so much fun to relax and celebrate Connor surviving his crappy exam day. We saw the movie The House at the End of the Street and it was pretty good! It definitely scared me. I'd give it a 7.5 out of ten. (Who doesn't love being a movie critic?) The back-story could have been developed a little more, but it still left me with a lingering sense of disturbance, which I think is obligatory for the thriller/horror genre. 

It's spirit week at the high school, which I forgot to mention in my earlier posts. Monday was Blast from the Past day and Tuesday was Twin day. My cooperating teacher and I both wore flowers in our hair for Twin day. It was cute! Tomorrow is Neon day, so I'm going to wear a bright orange cardigan. Friday is our Pep Rally, so we're encouraged to wear the school colors (red, green, and white). I have a feeling Friday will be chaotic! I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Case of the Mondays

Ohhhh boy. Am I the only person who had a rough Monday morning? It was just not easy getting up today. Especially since now the sun isn't rearing that beautiful head of his until about 7am. I had a bit of a rough morning, but thankfully, my day went really well. I did my lesson today all by my big girl self and it was wonderful! I'm finally getting the hang of it. The lesson was on writing complete paragraphs using their five proper paragraph rules. And they were great. I made up fun activities that involved going up to the Smartboard and grouping ideas into topic sentences and supporting sentences. They really enjoyed that. My favorite lesson that I've done so far was a lesson involving groups of students reading different paragraphs to come up with an original topic sentence relating to the details of the supporting sentences. Each member of the group had a role: speaker, writer, and reader. It flowed so wonderfully and the students had a great time.

I have a bunch of chatter bugs, but I'm learning now how to get their attention and re-focus them when their minds and mouths start to wander. That is truly the most difficult part for me. Teaching the material is the easiest (and most fun) part of teaching. Classroom management (in particular for high school kids) is... yuck. Hopefully it'll start to become second nature.

Connor had his OMM exam this morning and he was given step 9 of the modified ten steps of osteopathic examination. He was pretty happy about that seeing as that only involves asking the patient to move her (his patient for this particular exam was a female) head in a few different directions. Basically, it's a head and neck mobility test. He only lost one point which is great. Especially since he had the dean reviewing him (how lucky to get the dean to be your critic!). Overall, he kicked butt. As if I could expect anything less!

He's now studying for computerized exam #2 (the biggie) and the anatomy quiz, which he will be taking tomorrow morning and afternoon. I know he'll do great. He's been studying incessantly, just as a med student should!

So how about that Real Housewives of NJ finale yesterday?! I mean, holy crap, was that entertaining to watch or what? I don't know who to believe: Theresa or Melissa? I just couldn't tell. If you are lost reading this part, you can just skim right over it. Or you can tune in to the re-run of the episode tonight at 8pm.

I'm so happy that tomorrow is like a Friday because I have Wednesday off. My ESL kiddies are so cute. One of them  said, in response to being told that there is no school on Wednesday, "I love America!" I loved that! Indeed. God bless America and its resolute commitment to acknowledge and observe all (or most) Jewish holidays. I plan on making stuffed peppers with ground turkey on my day off and baking brownies. Living it up! My cozy home and my super awesome fiance make me the happiest girl alive.

Good night, blog supporters!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Can I check your vital signs?

Happy Saturday! Happy first day of Fall! Happiness all around. It is officially Fall and I couldn't be... well, happier. Goodbye Summer. See ya next year!

So the other day Connor decided he would like to check my blood pressure and look inside my ear with his new doctor tools. It was pretty fun. Having my blood pressure taken is always very terrifying for me. I feel like my arm is going to explode and it's just an overall uncomfortable feeling. But Connor did a great job. After about five attempts, he got my blood pressure and it was low like always. I'm surprised I'm alive. It was something like 90/60. Then he looked inside my ear and said he saw my ear drum, which was white. Disturbing! I looked inside his, but all I saw were little hairs and something that looked like a tiny pebble. I doubt that was the ear drum! Connor then proceeded to try some of his OMM techniques on my back and he finally discovered the curve in my spine. I kept telling him it was there, but he was finally able to see it for himself now. He mentioned something about my spine being rotated back slightly and curved to the left. Sounds scary, right?! He did a couple of hand techniques that made my back feel great. He's going to be such a great doc!

A few big exams are coming up, so Connor is in full panic study mode. He has an OMM exam on Monday, and his second computerized exam is on Tuesday followed by his second Anatomy quiz right after. Needless to say, he really needs to bury his head into big textbooks.

Hope everyone has a relaxing Saturday!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rainy Tuesday

What a great rainy Tuesday! I'm so glad I can be home to enjoy it.

Today was a very relaxing day, and I was able to get tons of work done for school. I cozied up on the couch with my coffee and laptop and got to work. I'm really hoping I have a great three days and my lovely students give 100%! When they really get into it, it truly makes my job so much easier and extremely rewarding.

For dinner yesterday I made chicken fajitas and they were delicious! Connor and I had dinner while the sun was going down. We were able to watch the whole thing right out of our patio door. Today I made Italian chicken sausage (for the first time) with penne pasta. Connor loved it. I, on the other hand, wasn't crazy about the taste of the Italian sausage. But the pasta was fantastic!

I also made a single layer chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a chopped walnut topping! It is sitting on my kitchen counter and I'm trying (very, very hard) to not devour it completely. I can't wait to have a slice while watching The Voice tonight! I love that show.

Connor had anatomy lab today and he dissected the abdominal viscera. He told me that his cadaver had gall stones which look like black Nerds (you know, the candy). YUMMM. He also let me know, although I could really do without all of this information, that we all have an "apron" of fat that begins right at the top of our abdomen. His choice of descriptive word there was a little disturbing to me, but it seems pretty accurate. He also had a pop quiz and he only got one question wrong. What a smarty pants.

Enjoy the rest of your rainy Tuesday!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Day of Relaxtion

Good Morning! To all my fellow New Yorkers, isn't this beautiful Fall weather just wonderful?! I'm so excited. All the windows are open and the Fall breeze is swirling around the house. So cozy. To make this morning even more cozy, I decided to make blueberry bread with leftover blueberries that I had sitting in the fridge. It's currently in the oven and I can't wait to eat it. It's taunting me from inside the oven. The smell is filling up the house and it's too lovely! Ahh thank you, Fall, for all your gifts.

Yesterday was awesome! Connor and I got a couch from Ikea and had it delivered to the house for only $57 dollars!! It was great. The delivery truck ended up coming sooner then later and we had the couch built within an hour! It's a beautiful grey color and is so comfy. The chaise lounge makes it irresistible! Our new home is coming together so wonderfully. I feel so lucky to have found this place. All the crumby things that happened with our old apartment was such a blessing in the end. I still can't believe it! Connor and I have some good luck on our side ;)

My parents are coming to visit today with my four year old niece, Brianna. She's four, but she acts more like a fourteen year old diva. She's too cute. The things that come out of her mouth astonish me. I can't wait for them to see all the work we've put into the place.

Connor is doing really well in school! His quiz and test grades all average in the B range, which I think is incredible for just starting. He'll find out the grade of his first big exam sometime this week. The school has a system where they send you the answer key along with your test answers, so you can see how many you got wrong. However, they give you 24 hours to challenge a question you got wrong. After those 24 hours end, they take a few days to reevaluate then give you your final score. We'll see what happens, but from what we know about his answers, he definitely did well.

Hope everyone enjoys this beautiful, relaxing Sunday!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Don't Wake Me Up

Hello hello. It's Tuesday and I can't wait until Fridayyy. I'm ready to have some drinks and some chill time with friends. The last week and a half has been extremely chaotic and I didn't have much time to just relax and have fun. Like REAL fun. Not vacuuming and Windexing fun. Plus, this weekend is a four day long vacatiooooon! WOOP WOOP. Sleepin' in on Monday!

Tomorrow will be my first day teaching all by my little ol' self. I'm kind of nervous, but my students are really awesome, so I think they'll cut me some slack ;)

Today I made teriyaki chicken stir fry and it was pretty good! Connor and I had time to sit down and eat dinner together, which was a very nice treat after yesterday's craziness and a long day at school today. Connor is studying the wrist right now.. I wish I could say more but that was the extent of what he told me when he peeked his head inside the bedroom door. Probably because he knows I wouldn't understand the remaining details.

Lately I've been a little obsessed with Chris Brown and his new album. Connor think it's funny that I'm listening to it all the time, but it's too good NOT to listen. If you have time, download it. It'll make you want to dance all night long!

Monday, September 10, 2012

No, I don't need my locker combination.

Hi guys! Hope everyone had a manageable Monday. Mine was Manic (notice the capital M). I woke up frantic when my alarm went off because I was lost in some lucid dream. Then I rushed to get ready, flew out of the house (because I had to finish a worksheet for my lesson before my teacher got to school) and, consequently, I left my brand new Rachel Ray lunchbox right on the counter! I didn't realize until I got to school and cried a little inside because I had packed an awesome lunch of strawberry yogurt topped with fresh blueberries, and a chicken sandwich. My cooperating teacher tried to cheer me up by letting me know that a "teacher lunch" is offered in the cafeteria downstairs. Like I wanted that when I had a gourmet lunch packed for myself!

However, ladies and gentleman, my superman of a fiance always comes to my rescue. He realized I left my lunch and actually drove to the high school to drop it off. At the end of second period, my name was called over the loud speaker to pick something up at the main office and I almost thought I was hearing incorrectly. "Did they just say... my name? Nooo. So a student has name similar to mine?! Cool!" Despite having a big exam today, Connor took 15 minutes (and those 15 minutes are VALUABLE to a med student) out of his study time to save my tummy. He's the best.

Anyway, so after school I went to Connor's convocation which was really wonderful. It started off a little slow and for a second I was nervous I was going to have to sit through hours of rambling. Thankfully, it was short and sweet! I saw Connor proudly wearing his white coat (which I ironed minutes before we had to run out of the house!) and got to hang out with Connor's mom, who always makes me laugh. It was a very busy Monday, but in the end, very fun!

Back to school tomorrow to work my teacher skills! Keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get asked for a hall pass or if I need my locker combination...


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Loving this rainy Saturday

I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing Saturday. I woke up late, made waffles, and cleaned the house like crazy. I loved it! On Friday, Connor and I went to Target to get a few things, particularly a vacuum. Our first apartment only had wood floors so there wasn't a need for a vacuum. However the new house has tons of carpet and it needed to be vacuumed desperately. So I bought my first big girl vacuum and I feel like a real woman now! I'm not sure what that says about female empowerment, but I'm not interested in going down that road. All I know is that wielding this big, beautiful sucking machine makes me feel powerful and I couldn't be happier.

My cleaning spree took up most of my day shockingly. I cleaned every nook and cranny of the patio doors and they are sparkling clean now. Connor said they look brand new, so I feel totally validated with my cleaning job. ;)  Connor is now studying in the living room (which has become his own private study space), and I'm in the bedroom watching Twilight New Moon. Those movies never get old!

Sadly I've seemed to have caught a cold. It's terrible. As soon as I enter school buildings, my immune system falters. I hate it. I've been sneezing and coughing all day, but I refused to let it slow me down today! I'm now chugging green tea and hoping that I'll spring back to almost full health within the next two days. Monday is Connor's convocation at school and I'm so excited to see him standing proudly on stage in a white coat. He's so awesome. Everyday I think about how proud I am of him for all that he has achieved and all that he will achieve in the future. I feel incredibly lucky to have met such a smart and motivated young man! :)

Okay well enough of me gushing. I'll get back to my cheesy vampire movie and green tea.
