Monday, September 10, 2012

No, I don't need my locker combination.

Hi guys! Hope everyone had a manageable Monday. Mine was Manic (notice the capital M). I woke up frantic when my alarm went off because I was lost in some lucid dream. Then I rushed to get ready, flew out of the house (because I had to finish a worksheet for my lesson before my teacher got to school) and, consequently, I left my brand new Rachel Ray lunchbox right on the counter! I didn't realize until I got to school and cried a little inside because I had packed an awesome lunch of strawberry yogurt topped with fresh blueberries, and a chicken sandwich. My cooperating teacher tried to cheer me up by letting me know that a "teacher lunch" is offered in the cafeteria downstairs. Like I wanted that when I had a gourmet lunch packed for myself!

However, ladies and gentleman, my superman of a fiance always comes to my rescue. He realized I left my lunch and actually drove to the high school to drop it off. At the end of second period, my name was called over the loud speaker to pick something up at the main office and I almost thought I was hearing incorrectly. "Did they just say... my name? Nooo. So a student has name similar to mine?! Cool!" Despite having a big exam today, Connor took 15 minutes (and those 15 minutes are VALUABLE to a med student) out of his study time to save my tummy. He's the best.

Anyway, so after school I went to Connor's convocation which was really wonderful. It started off a little slow and for a second I was nervous I was going to have to sit through hours of rambling. Thankfully, it was short and sweet! I saw Connor proudly wearing his white coat (which I ironed minutes before we had to run out of the house!) and got to hang out with Connor's mom, who always makes me laugh. It was a very busy Monday, but in the end, very fun!

Back to school tomorrow to work my teacher skills! Keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get asked for a hall pass or if I need my locker combination...


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