Sunday, September 30, 2012

Time is all around...

Oh NOOO! It's Sunday! :( Where did the weekend go? Sadly we can't look forward to a day off during the week. But at least Columbus Day weekend is coming up! I have big plans to visit the family upstate and take my little munchkin, Brianna apple picking! I'm so excited for chilly Fall weather and leaves crunching beneath our feet. I miss my family so much; and I even miss my old, small town. Hopefully this week will go by quickly!

Yesterday Connor and I spent most of the day inside. We got up, ate breakfast and took a trip to the laundromat. BLEGH. It was yucky and boring as usual, but I read my Food Network magazine while we waited, so it wasn't too bad. I got some great new recipes to try, and I even got some Halloween cupcake ideas! Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I'm thinking of having a small Halloween party at our new home. I'm thinking creepy desserts and a smokey punchbowl! We'll see what happens.

After laundry, I hung out on the couch and watched Harry Potter. My friend Kim stopped by for a little and we had some fun girl talk. Connor listened to a couple of lectures and studied. Overall, it was a very relaxing day. Oh, and I finally got a chance to bake my brownies! They were so yummy. I unfortunately forgot to take a picture before I dug my face into them. I'm so bummed!

Connor has a DPR practical exam on Tuesday that he's a little nervous about. He'll have to meet a standardized patient and take his/her blood pressure, pulse, and breathing rate. Then he gets assessed on how well he did. I think he'll do wonderfully because Connor is so personable. Everyone loves him!

Next week he has computerized exam #3, which means.... DUN DUN DUN studying hell is approaching. But I will try my best to keep Connor together with lots of food and hugs.

Hope you guys have an easy, peasy Monday. Let's try to make it through in one piece!

Mandy <3

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