Monday, October 15, 2012

"Some days aren't yours at all...

....They come and go as if they're someone else's days." Regina Spektor really got it right with that song. It has been a yucky Monday! I hope some of you experienced a happier one. I woke up really tired this morning after going to bed way too late. I just felt so crummy all day. It was so hard to find the energy to be my usual peppy self! Thankfully my lesson today involved the students working at stations and writing, so I didn't have to talk too much. A plus to this day has been the rain tonight. It's making me feel super cozy as I curl up on my couch with my fuzzy blanket. Next comes the hot cocoa! Gotta try to take back this Monday as much as I can.

Yesterday I had such a wonderful day out east visiting the outlets and Connor's parents. We, of course, had to take a look inside Pottery Barn, so I wanted to smile and cry all at once. For those of you who share my love of beautiful, but terribly expensive things... you know exactly what I mean. Going into stores is a total manic depressive episode. You're surrounded by everything you could ever dream of, so you float from one thing to the next grinning from ear to ear, but then your brain suddenly gets a surge of oxygen and it starts working again and you realize... these things don't just appear in your home. They might actually cost...what's that green paper stuff? Oh right... money. I almost forgot that existed. *sigh* But that's okay! I bought 4 salad plates for the cost of $5.99 each, and 4 dinner plates for $6.99 each.So it was an incredible bargain that I could not pass up. Plus, I actually NEEDED these. Not in the estrogen-induced way that we normally claim like "This is too adorable. I just neeeeeed it." Like, in the justified, no need for guilt way. The enamel was starting to wear away on my cheap-o Ikea plates. So....yeah. I said no guilt right?

Anyway! After the outlets, we visited Mr. & Mrs. D and it was so much fun. I brought them an apple crostata. That's my thing now because of all the apples we got from apple picking. (I can actually bake other things. I swear.) We went out to dinner and had delicious food and great conversation. It was so nice to see them and catch up because we hadn't seen them since September for Connor's convocation. That was way too long! I'm so excited for Mama D's soup party coming up! If you don't know what a soup party is, you're missing out big time! You eat tons of delicious homemade soup and bread and meet new people. I love it!

So remember the DPR exam where Connor had to take a patient's vital signs? Well, he FINALLY got his grade back and he did really well!! in, he got a 100!!!! I knew he would do great. Way to go, babe. Couldn't be prouder :)

Let's cross our fingers for a smooooth Tuesday.

<3 Mandy

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