Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sleepy Saturday Night

Hi guys :) It's 9:20pm and I'm sitting on the couch with a glass of red wine listening to Matt Pond PA. In other words, I am VERY relaxed! It's so nice nice to enjoy a quiet night. Connor has his headphones in listening to lectures in his corner of the living room. It's so funny how we have fallen into our own little groove. It's like we're together, but in our own little worlds. I've been lucky to have him around so much even though he's busy with work most of the time. I'm just happy to see his handsome face here at home!

My mom and my niece, Brianna, came over yesterday and spent the night here. We had so much fun! I was elated to have my girlies over. Bri was so funny. I told her we were having a slumber party, so she put her pajamas on, got all her toys and stuffed animals, sat next to me on the couch and said "Connor, come here! We're having a slumber party!" She's too cute!!

We went to the mall and my mom bought me my DREAM Badgley Mischka wedding shoes! She's the best mom in the whole world. I'm so grateful to have a mom who is so giving and is working so hard to make all of my wedding dreams come true. I just cannot wait to wear them. AHH it's just so incredible. I'm going to marry the man of my dreams in the heels of my dreams haha :P ..I'm such a girl!

So after the mall, we went out to eat then Connor and I took my mom on her first ever Trader Joe's trip. She loved it. She couldn't believe how affordable everything was. It was so cute. She was amazed with everything. I just love the simplicity of having a great time while doing such average things. 

This morning I made Brianna mini pumpkin pancakes with strawberries on top, and she ate them all up! I was so proud of her for trying something new. I kept it a secret until she tried it and loved them. She's so picky sometimes, so I knew I had to sneak them into her tummy. I thought she would notice the orangey color, but she didn't! It was great. I was so sad to see my best girl friends go, but I know I will see them again very soon.

After mom and Bri left, I went bridesmaid dress browsing with one my BMs, Mallory. It was definitely a learning experience! There are so many dresses, it's ridiculous! It was a bit overwhelming, but it was great to learn how to go about this whole dress thing.

So I have a funny little story about dinner today. We bought a rotisserie chicken today to kind of "cheat." We were making soup again, so we decided it would be the easiest thing to just buy one of those ready-made chickens to shred and add to the soup. To help Connor get started on the chicken, I cut off the leg and immediately he noticed the bone and said "Oh my god, that's the olecranon process!" (which is like our curved bone at the elbow). He was actually studying our bird's bones! It was like he was in anatomy lab and he was dissecting! And the more he cut the chicken, the more he was examining it. I was laughing hysterically and realized that this is it. He's forever going to see everything differently! I love it. At least he's learning, right? 

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!
<3 Mandy

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