Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cinco de Mayo Festivities

Happy Cinco de Mayo!! Hope all of you had a beautiful day and perhaps celebrated with chips & salsa.. maybe even a margarita?! Connor and I celebrated our one year of being engaged by going to the Planting Fields Arboretum. It was so much fun and we took plenty of pictures! It was so nice to have some time out of the house together and enjoy the gorgeous weather. I can't  believe we've been engaged for ONE WHOLE YEAR. It really has flown by! I guess that's a good thing. :)

Yesterday, my mom and niece visited, which was nice. I was happy that Connor got to see them because he hadn't seen them in awhile and Bri always misses him! We had our own little pizza party in the house and watched Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2 haha. Thankfully Connor was (and, really, always is!) a trooper and joined us in watching it.

May is finally here, so the countdown to the end of Connor's first year officially BEGINS! There are only 20 more days left until it's over! We are both looking forward to it. Today we bought paint for our living room, but probably won't get to it until after Connor finishes up this month. Soon, he will inundated with end of the year exams and other overwhelming responsibilities. Last Thursday, he had his presentation and he was very happy with how it went.

I was so proud of him for handling it so well. While he was getting dressed up in his dapper suit the day of the presentation, I was quickly eating breakfast before heading out to work and I asked him how many people would be watching. He told me (in a completely unshaken voice) that all of the DPC students are there, and sometimes the dean shows up. Now, if it were me, I probably would've been throwing up all morning, shaking, unable to eat anything. Connor, on the other hand, was absolutely cool and calm. He jovially ate his nice, big breakfast, smiling the entire time. That is a quality that I would pay good money to acquire!!!

This Thursday will be a big day for wedding planning. We're going to the reception hall to decide on the menu, visiting the rehearsal dinner restaurant to also decide on the food, AND going to the florist to see samples. AHH I'm so excited I could scream. I just want to see peonies! Lots and lots of them! I'll probably be squealing the entire time :X

Oh and how could I forget to tell you! I had my first hair consultation and loved it! My hair stylist was incredible. So I booked the salon and can officially cross that off my to-do list. Phew.

16 more days till my first dress fitting! The anticipation is seriously killing me!


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