Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hello to Year 3!

Hi guys! I'm writing from the pregnancy twilight zone where time abides by a different set of rules! Holy cow, I feel like I've been pregnant for a lifetime! I am just starting week 35 today and I am really looking forward to these next 5 weeks going by quickly. It seems as though the faster you want the time to go by, the slower it goes. Oh, you know what I'm talking about if you have ever been to a DMV, had an office job, took a boring lecture class, or... HAVE BEEN PREGNANT.

So sure, I can sit here and complain about how sick I am of heartburn, leg cramps, carpal tunnel, frequent trips to the loo, lack of sleep,  gaining weight, swollen hands and feet, wearing maternity clothes, and how everything is just considerably more difficult to do with this big belly. BUT I won't! Nope. Instead, I will say, I am eager to meet my beautiful baby girl and hold her in my arms. I can't wait to feel her warm little body, see her little eyes open, and smell her sweet baby skin. YAY! That'll make these insane 9 months all worth it!

Moving away from pregnancy... Connor has begun year 3! WOOO. Yet another milestone in this long journey has finally arrived! We celebrated his white coat ceremony last month, which was so emotional. It was just so exciting to see the material realization of all his hard work. I was such a proud wife. I could even feel baby girl's happiness from inside my tummy.

Last week was his first week of General Medicine rotations. He is currently in the ICU and has been trying all sorts of new things and impressing the pants the white coats off the residents. Again, my hubby proves to be super-awesome! So far, the hours have not been horrible at all. We've been very lucky. I was pretty nervous, but he gets home in time for dinner. Of course dinner is now about an hour later than usual, but I'm okay with that! As great as this rotation is, I won't keep my expectations up for this! I know every rotation will bring an entirely new experience, so I'm keeping my mind open. It really is just a relief to be making progress in this long adventure. The past 2 pre-clinical years felt like forever! Hoping that the clinical half will progress with a little more momentum. I think they will, especially with baby girl, Mia. But don't go by too quickly, you evil manipulator Time! I still want to enjoy all the craziness while it lasts.

Excuse the paper plate. Birthday means no dishes!
Last Saturday, I celebrated my 26th birthday! It was lots of fun to just have hubby home with me. All I really wanted for my birthday was a big french toast breakfast, so Connor and I had fun putting it all together. I used Challah bread, and made a blueberry sauce and whipped cinnamon cream. Everything was so delicious! My mom and niece joined us for breakfast and it was so wonderful! Later in the day, we went out to dinner at an Irish restaurant nearby. I had steak, potatoes, and spinach - so good. All in all, it was a birthday filled with love and good food. I certainly can't complain. :)

For my birthday, Connor got me a really cool DSLR camera to take pictures of baby Mia! It was the best gift ever! I can't wait to photograph my little princess like crazy. Photo shoots in cute baby outfits galore coming soon! Hope you guys are ready for it. haha ;) Yesterday, I was watching tutorials with Connor to try to learn how to use the fancy piece of technology. I'm practicing taking pictures around the house and using a stuffed dog as a place holder for little Mia. NORMAL. Yes, I have lots of time on my hands right now!

Summer is quickly coming to a close, which means I'm that much closer to meeting our little girl! AHHH. Please September, just get here already! :D


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