Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Playing Ketchup

Howdy guys! I've been getting into the habit of waiting too long to update and then overwhelming you with a post the length of a short story. For that, I AM SORRY! :(

Spring break was as lovely as I imagined it to be. I had my fiance all to myself and didn't have to share him with that mistress we call "Med School!" ;) We had so much fun hanging out, painting the house, and going out to lunch. It was a dream that didn't last long enough, of course. All good things are good because of their fleeting quality. But I'm just happy that I got to enjoy a whole week of quality time. I visited my family upstate the weekend before last, which was fun. And it was so nice to have some of my mom's Spanish cooking, which I missed dearly. I never really make it because I love making it a treat when I visit my mom. It makes it that much more delicious! I also got to see me scrumptious niece, whom I always miss. We went to the movies and saw The Croods in 3D. Very cute movie! I recommend it to anyone at any age. The humor is so wonderful and smart. We all loved it and can't wait until it comes out on DVD.

As soon as Connor and I got back home, we started painting the next morning. First, we did the bedroom in a gray color and the transformation was incredible! It instantly became an actual bedroom. I can't believe the power that just a can of paint holds. The bedroom is now my favorite place in our home, which certainly wasn't the case before! It was so white and sterile lol. Now I'm really looking forward to getting a big people bed... aka a queen size! Connor thinks we'll get lost in it, but I don't see that as a problem. Getting lost in a bed seems like the best place to get lost, in my opinion!

Anyway! We moved on to painting the bathroom the next day and it was much more of a taxing process with all the corners and  going around the bath tub and toilet.  BLAH. But it looks so fresh and so clean (like the Outkast song, remember it?). We are so happy with all the work we  Connor did. Connor really did the bulk of the work, OBVIOUSLY. But I did do an excellent job with painting the edges where the roller couldn't get to!

I'm happy to say that I didn't get TOO lazy over break with my cooking. I tried a coconut shrimp recipe from pinterest and it was phenomenal. I wish I had pictures to show of my crispy creations, but they took so long to make that by the time they were ready, Connor and I inhaled about half of them. I also made it with broccolini and couscous. SO yummy and Summer-inspired. Yes, I'm saying Summer because Spring is just not greeting us graciously enough. I want more warm weather! We want more, we want more!

Easter was so much fun! As per tradition, I joined the "D" clan out East for the annual brunch at a family friend's beautiful home. It is always wonderful and there is so much good food. I unforunately am on my "wedding diet nutritional plan," (God, I hate to use that word) so I didn't get to indulge on some of my favorite breakfast foods like french toast and bagels! However, I did have a couple of bites of a pink cupcake then gave the rest to Connor. YUM. I can't deny anything pink! It's a weakness of mine. We also went out to Southhampton (my first time being there). I loved it! I mean, who doesn't love mansions, beautiful stores and beach views? It was like being in a movie. For a second, I thought maybe I could be Sabrina Fairchild (after she came back from France and became sophisticated),  but then I realized that it was just a dream. And I am not Audrey Hepburn. :(

Won the jelly bean contest!
OH and wedding invitations are officially on their way out today! WOO HOOOOOO! I couldn't be more relieved to be finished with that monstrosity of a project. And now the wedding seems so much more real now that it will be announced to over 100 people! In just 89 days, I will be a Mrs! AHH. Yesterday, Connor's wedding band came in and it is so beautiful. Beautiful in looks, yes, but also in it's meaning. It's such a huge step getting married and it means so much to me to be doing it with the man of my dreams (and the coolest guy in the universe)! I couldn't be more excited to be his wife! :D

I think I end every post like this lately... hmm. I'll work on adjusting that! lol. The wedding butterflies are really taking hold now.

So it's back to reality. Connor's back to work on DPC issues and has his serious study face back on. OH bummer.


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