Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I saw the sign and it read "Reality Bites"

Hello friends! Happy hump day! Don't you wish it was at least Thursday? Yup, me too. There's a thunderstorm brewing outside and it's so strange listening to it. It's been so long since we've had one. I think this means warm weather is officially here!Thankfully, Connor's home while this storm is raging, otherwise I'd be a little spooked...

So last night Connor and I went to a 90's themed party (yes, on a Tuesday night like we were young and crazy college kids again). It was so much fun getting dressed up and actually living a life at night. We've grown so accustomed to going to bed by 10pm and waking up at 6am during the week that we never have the energy to do anything once the sun sets. But once I heard that it was a 90's party, I was pretty pumped for it. I am so nostalgic for the 90's that it's ridiculous, so any opportunity to relive those glory days is one I shall not miss! I went for the grunge look and Connor did more of the bright colored clothes thing (he wore turquoise colored pants).  I'm not sure what genre that is...  hip hop maybe?! Kim joined us for the party and we both ended up wearing denim vests like the good 90's children that we are! Dancing the night away to the Spice Girls, Savage Garden, and Ace of Base was just what I needed to feel acquainted with my old, fun
self again. My legs are actually a little sore today :X ....yeah, I need more gym time...

As you could imagine, getting up for work today wasn't the easiest thing to do. Unfortunately, college allows you more time to recover from those crazy nights out. It coddles you and rubs you gently as you bury your face into your pillow. Adulthood, on the other hand, gives you a hard slap in the face and continuously kicks you in the ass all day. Not very nice. Back off real life. I'm sick of being your slave!
Despite feeling like I was shoved in a bag upside down and beaten with a baseball bat all day, I still don't regret it!

SO back to our dismal reality here... Connor is in full time studying mode for his next, big content exam. Thankfully, it's getting easier and he's figuring out how to get through it with most of his sanity still intact. The exam is on Monday, so we are both looking forward to it being over! Also, today  he was assessed by his DPC facilitators and he got an A! Very proud of my hubby-to-be. Such a smarty pants.

Connor and I have been so excited getting RSVPs in the mail! Keep them coming! :D


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