Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Consequences of Too Much HGTV

Hi guys! Hope all of you had a good hump day and your week is going smoothly. I think this week is flying! Can't believe tomorrow is already Thursday. Which is great because I love weekends with my fiance. It's really nice to actually wake up to him still in bed. Usually, he gets up at 5am and does schoolwork until he leaves for class, so I wake up to an empty bed. :( BLAH. But it's good practice for when he's in residency!

Lately, I've been having "house fever" and have been excessively dreaming of owning a home. But then reality sets in as I'm knee deep in Realtor websites, and I tell myself we are YEARS away from owning a home and I'm just torturing myself. Naturally, after I remember this I sigh, push the computer away, and eat a piece of chocolate. Really, I'm just being a baby because Connor and I have a pretty snazzy apartment in a gorgeous neighborhood and it can accommodate us comfortably for three or more years. This is what I have to tell myself: "Let those roots sink in, Mandy!" Okaaaayyy. Gotta admit that watching endless amounts of HGTV sure isn't helping...

I'm so proud to say that my wedding workout mission has been pretty successful, so far! Connor and I have been going to the gym every other day. I'm just starting to get my normal, pain-free legs again, which is very nice! For a couple of days, I really couldn't move without feeling unbearable soreness. So I was walking around like a 90 year old and it was pretty embarrassing! :( Clearly, I'm severely out of shape and that's just more of a reason why I need to keep it going until the big day.

American Idol premier is tonight! So excited to see what invaluable pieces of wisdom Nicki Minaj has to impart with all the contestants. I can say I like most of her music, but American Idol? Really? I just don't see how producers thought that was a good idea. I'm REALLY going to miss Steve Tyler this year! And I'll miss J.Lo's hairstyles more than I'll actually miss her hyper-enthusiasm about everyyy single contestant.

Enjoy the rest of your night, guys!

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