Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sharing the Silence

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. Mom and Brianna came over on Saturday and stayed over until Sunday morning. It was so nice to spend some girly time with them because Connor has been super busy studying for his exams on Monday. :(

Look at the handsome face hard at work!
How could I not love him madly?
I feel terrible for all the insanely complicated things he has to smush into his head. It's exhausting for me and I'm not even the one who has to do all of the work! Since the beginning we've fallen into a groove and haven't experienced much trouble getting through all of the craziness. However, the past few days haven't been the easiest. It's tough sometimes being around the house and feeling awful making any kind of noise that might be distracting. And it really stinks when something funny happens and I want to share it with Connor but I don't want to break his concentration. I feel guilty even writing this because poor Connor is the one who is really overwhelmed! But I know things will get easier again. Sometimes when I feel a little bummed, I read the other med school blogs and I feel better knowing that other med school tag-a-longs have gone through these phases. It won't always be easy and I'd be dishonest if I said we never have tough days. But in the end it'll all be worth it when Connor reaches his lifelong goal and is making a difference in people's lives. Plus, my fiance is a pretty cool guy so he's worth all of the tip-toeing! ;)

So today as I was pinning, I found the vows from the aptly named movie The Vow and I couldn't believe how perfect and accurate they were:

I think the "to share the silence" part is really perfect for us. So on to happier things! I bought this really great mug yesterday. It's so cute and romantic! I'm drinking tea tonight, watching Charlie Bartlett (such a funny movie), and blogging! Very cozy night. Tomorrow I plan on making an eggplant lasagna and I'm very excited to see how it turns out! When my mom and Bri came to visit, we went to Target and she bought me cute little things for the house (I know I have a pretty awesome mommy). I got a new sugar bowl, 2 Paula Deen soup bowls, and 2 baskets to organize the food in my kitchen baker's rack. Afterward, we went to Panera and picked up dinner then went home and watched Ice Age: Continental Drift on the couch. Connor ended up coming home from the Anatomy lab in time to watch most of the movie with us. It was really nice! :)

To end this post on a funny note: The other night Connor and I were in bed watching the show Mobbed and he was studying for OMM. I glanced over at the paper and noticed the word "cervical tender point." I'm not sure what you would assume, but I immediately thought Connor has been massaging female genitalia BEHIND MY BACK! So I freaked out and said yelled "YOU'VE BEEN STUDYING SOMEBODY'S CERVIX?!" But I was quickly relieved to find out that the cervical tender points are in the cervical spine (neck). OOPS! :P

Thanks for keeping up with the blog and listening to all my silliness!

<3 Mandy

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