Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer Lovin'

Okay, so I feel like an embarrassed puppy that peed on the carpet. Right now, I'm backed into a corner giving you sad, puppy eyes and seeking forgivness. I've abandoned my blog for longer than any respectful blogger should. All I can ask is that you forgive me for my neglectfulness!! :(

I have to say my life is not complete without this blog. I had phantom limb syndrome for the past 2 weeks. I knew it should have been there, but it just wasn't. Okay, so now is the time when I flood you with excuses about why I haven't written. I'm going to try to avoid that route and just say... I am getting married in 10 days and today is my FIRST day of summer vacation. Yesterday was the last day of testing at the high school, which means I can now be a human being outside of work and have a life of my own! I'm very excited to put all my energy into this wedding and making it as wonderful as possible.

Almost four years ago, I met Connor. How cliche it will be of me to say it was love at first sight; but, how else can someone explain the world completely melting around you into nothingness as you stare into another's eyes wondering how life ever meant anything at all before this person was in your world? Yes, okay, so now you get it, right? Love at first sight. Now, is that to say I allowed myself to show this to Connor right upfront within the first hour of meeting him? UM NO! I'm a Leo! I'm a prideful, stubborn lioness. It takes time for me to soften my hard exterior and show my vulnerability. So naturally, I played tried to play hard to get. Until 2 weeks later, I gave up and told Connor: "I think you're rad." And to which he replied: "I think you're rad, too." This was 2009, not 1989. BUT that was the first word that came to my mind when I thought of him. Don't judge me. Love does funny things to your brain.

Anyway, fast forward to today. We are 10 days away from becoming Mr. & Mrs. and we couldn't be happier. Stressed, but happy! I am so looking forward to the honeymoon and all the relaxing that will come with it. 

So about that medical student who was the inspiration behind this entire blog: He's really enjoying the OMM preceptorship because it's entirely stress-free, aka the antithesis of medical school. He's been learning different methods for all parts of the body. And when the weather is nice, he rides his bike to and from school. Summer is such a nice delusion from reality, isn't it? September will welcome us with it's claws right in our backs as we desperately scramble for every last bit of Summer. But for now, let's enjoy this delusion...deeply!

I can't wait to share wedding pictures with you very soon!


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