Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Is it Friday yet?

Holy cow, I am exhausted! This week has really taken its toll on me. I'm really looking forward to the weekend. I might never take off my pajamas and leave bed. Although, I really shouldn't do that because I've sadly fallen out of my gym routine. I've just been so busy lately with work and wedding planning. And when I come home, I can only find just enough energy to make dinner, clean up, and lay on the couch. :/ Okay, I feel guilty! Hopefully these delicious, peanut butter cup cookies I just baked and indulged in eating will be enough motivation to get on a treadmill. Connor was in love with them. Not only did he profess his love for the cookies aloud, but his persistent lip smacking was a good hint that he was really enjoying them. There is nothing more that I can ask for. I love filling his belly with yummy goodies, and hearing how much he enjoyed it. One of my many pleasures in life!

This has been a crazy teaching week. I was in the high school for 2 days and one day in Kindergarten. It was a huge shift to say the least! Kindergarten left me feeling like I had just been dragged by a semi-truck for ten miles. I probably couldn't even tell you my first name within the first ten minutes of getting home. It was...chaos. Yelling, sneezing, shoe-tying, paper-cutting, coloring chaos. Thankfully I lived to tell the tale.

Connor took a neuro exam on Monday and will be starting clinic this Friday. I know he will be wonderful and his doctor will love him! For the past couple of days, he was studying the GI tract and all that fun stuff, so we were having lots of vibrant conversations about... poop. Hope I didn't offend anyone! I think living with a med student makes one lose sense of what is appropriate content for everyday conversation. I have been completely desensitized (as will you should you continue to read this blog for the next six years!) But anyway, he's moved on but still focusing on the digestive system. He's currently doing his learning issue on the esophagus and stomach. Maybe I'll learn some new and gross to share with you in the upcoming days! ;)

Oh and I went veil shopping last week and it was MAGICAL. I can barely put it into words. When I first found my wedding dress, I had only been engaged for a few weeks. But putting it on again last weekend made me realize how real this all is and how I will be marrying my soulmate in just four months! I can't believe how quickly it's approaching. Last Sunday I went with Connor to pick out his tux for the wedding. It's all surreal, but very exciting. I also finally received my invitations and I can't wait to send them out. They are beautiful and perfect.

Hope everyone has a great end to their week!
<3 Mandy


  1. I loved the feeling of trying on my wedding dress again! The best time is when you put it on on your wedding day, though. Such a good feeling!

  2. I can't wait for that day!! I know it's going to be such a special moment! Thank you for reading my blog!! :-)
