Hello hello!! So much to catch up on! Getting back to teaching has been so exciting, but equally stressful and time consuming! I forgot how much work went into it. I've been planning like crazy, so I haven't been able to show my blog as much love as I would like to.
So far, being back in the high school has been great. Today was a very good day for the students, and I'm so proud because Friday was a bit chaotic. But I always expect that on Fridays. Who isn't restless on the eve of a weekend? Today I worked on building background for a story we will be reading for the next week and they really enjoyed it. Because the story takes place in Alabama during the early 1900s, I played some traditional southern folk music: "Alabama Jubilee." The kids got a kick out of it, which I was happy to see. It's always great to crack the hard exterior of a teenager... even if for a minute!
Tomorrow, Connor has a Neuro exam, so he's been studying a whole lot. But I'm starting to not be able to differentiate test studying and regular studying. It's all starting to blend and it all takes just as much time... like all day! Connor has been watching lectures using his headphones (as usual), but lately he's getting in the habit of talking
to the lecture. So, it's like he's in class here in our quiet living room calling out random words or phrases. For example, I will be sitting in the living room on the computer and just hear: DORSAL! It's pretty startling to say the least. I assume he's trying to answer the professor's question before a student answers. I could ask him about it, but that would require sucking him out of his world. And when I do that, he manages to suck me in to his world by talking to me in medical lingo and it makes my brain hurt depending on how tired I am.
Medical school has a funny way of making these med students completely unaware of the complexity of what they learn and how
normal non-medical people can't process all that heavy material at all hours of the day.. especially between the hours of 6am - 8am and 8pm - bedtime. This morning Connor started to talking to me about an email his school sent him about news regarding injections that would get rid of a double chin. Sounds simple right? Well, instead of what I just said, some of the words used in the email were "cell membranes" and "fat deposits." Okay, so at 9am that would be extremely comprehensible... practically elementary. However, at 6:30am he might as well have been speaking to me in German. I can barely make myself coffee at 6:30am, let alone decode medical jargon into everyday speech!
In other news! Connor should be finding out where he will be doing his clinical practicum tomorrow, which is exciting. Let's see where he is placed! He said he's hoping it will be a pediatric clinic. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him. I'll fill you guys in as soon as we find out!
Hope you have a great start to the week!