Sunday, December 9, 2012

Getting Cozy on Sunday

Hi loved ones! Hope you are all having a cozy, rainy weekend! Yesterday my mom and niece came to visit me and we had so much fun staying in. My mom made us her Spanish rice and beans and I made gingerbread cookies with Bri. We had a lazy night on the couch watching movies. It was so much fun. I was so happy that I got to see them because I was feeling severely homesick! Poor Connor had to study, so he enjoyed as much time as he could with us before plugging in and listening to lectures.

Connor's new scrubs from the renaming ceremony!
Connor FINALLY took his big content exam on Friday. It was three long hours of misery, but thankfully it's over! I wish I could say it's smooth sailing to Christmas break, but I can't sadly! He has two exams tomorrow (Anatomy lab test and Anatomy and OMM lecture test). It's a little confusing, but just understand that lab and lecture are 2 different classes, so they require different exams. So, needless to say, we are still intense studying mode, which means watching TV in an almost muted state and trying to figure out the context by carefully studying gestures and moving mouths, reading a book/magazine, or browsing the internet. Guess which one I picked! ;)

Some of the things I know Connor is learning at the moment include sinusitis, TMJ, ear infections, and the number of bones in the skull. Those are just  A FEW of the things that he has chosen to share with me as I walk past his desk. I found sinusitis interesting because I saw an x-ray of a clogged sinus full of bacteria and it was just awful! No wonder it's so painful!! BLAGH.

My observation this past Thursday went really well! I was so relieved. My supervisor said really wonderful things, which makes me feel confident that student teaching has been a huge learning experience. She said I'm a natural! Who would've thought? Certainly not me! I imagined myself being many different things like a lawyer or a writer. But I'm glad the career found me. I think that's a great way to put it. And look, I'm still writing! ;) Who knows, I may even write a book someday. Never hurts to have big dreams.

I hope all of you enjoy the rest of your weekend before the work week starts up again!


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