Monday, November 19, 2012

Almost Turkey Day!

Hi guys! Hope you all had a smooth Monday. Knowing Thanksgiving is just around the corner is really helping me get through these few days! I just cannot wait for all the good food and relaxtion time that is coming our way. Connor survived his manic Monday full of exams! He had an OMM written exam at 8:30 this morning, an OMM practical at 11:00 and an Anatomy practical at 2:30. AHH I don't know how he does it, but he gets it all done with a great attitude! He was a little loopy this morning. The nerves were really getting to him. When that happens, he gets VERY silly and energetic (if you know Connor, I mean more than usual), so it's interesting to say the least! ;P He said it was very difficult... as always. But when he got home, I had dinner ready and that cheered him up! I made balsamic chicken with pecan rice and broccoli. It was really yummy!

Connor signed up for the Tough Mudder in April. Can't say that I'm over the moon about it, but I'm happy that he's doing something for himself that he will enjoy. He works so hard, so I'm supportive of anything that allows him to get his mind off of school for a little. It's a very intense (and dangerous) race which includes a 10-12 mile run, jumping into freezing water, and getting shocked by 10,000 volts... So, if you're not as crazy as my fiance and his NYCOM buddies that are all taking part in this race, then you know why I'm not crazy about it! But like I said, whatever makes him happy! (Am I trying to convince you or myself? haha) Thankfully, Connor is physically capable. That gives me faith that he'll return to me in one piece! D:

He's also hoping that you can make a donation to his Tough Mudder page. All donations go to the Wounded Warrior project. If Connor raises $150 on his behalf, then he receives a discount on his registration fee. If you are at all interested in helping (which both Connor and I would be very grateful for), here is the link: Tough Mudder Donations

Yesterday, we went to Mrs. D's annual Soup Social and it was incredible! There were so many delicious soups like French Onion, Baked Potato, Roasted Tomato (with tiny grilled cheese sandwiches), and Italian Wedding. They were all so good, along with all of the incredible desserts! Words do not do this party justice, really! It always leaves me astonished and looking forward to next year's soups.

Oh, and this Friday, Connor and I have an engagement photo shoot with the photographer we booked for our wedding! I'm so excited. Hopefully I don't get a horrible pimple or anything! I've been planning my outfit since Saturday! I just can't wait to take incredibly romantic (and I'll admit slightly cheesy) pictures with my handsome boy. Can't wait to show you guys how they turn out.

Love, Mandy & Connor <3

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